Thursday, September 22, 2011

Random Ramblings: The Church Inside My Mind

I still pray at night but I haven't gone to the church in a while... By "a while" I meant ever since the Church decided to threaten pro-RH Bill people with excommunication and since the Church decided to have all the homilies dedicated to the RH Bill.

I remember a resource speaker when I was still in high school who had a flawed argument about how the Philippines is not economically overpopulated. He said that while traveling to our school, he passed by the NLEX where the fields were planted with rice. He said if we were overpopulated, all of these open lands should have been built over by houses. He forgot the fact that if all of these fields had houses, we won't have enough space to plant our crops. Hello famine! It was ironic as well that around that time, there was an issue that we were importing rice because we couldn't meet the demand in our country. I would have loved to ask him about how we would be able to get our daily fix of rice if all of the fields would be occupied... but if I reacted that way, the nuns in my school might have kicked me out a few months before my graduation.

It's funny how some priests act like they know everything about poverty and family planning when they don't even have families of their own... Oh... right, some of them do! And poverty? Right, they don't work but they get enough money to have their Parish Churches refurbished with all the glitzy stuff just so they can say "yumayaman na ang parokya ko."; and for some reason, they also always have enough money to afford using luxury vehicles... ehem ehem. I don't get the reason why parish priests feel the need to keep building chapels and churches when some are even less than a kilometer apart. Instead of using the money to build new ones in areas with existing chapels and churches, why not just help the needy, or donate them to a respectable charity. Or if they truly want to use it for building, build some place where there are no existing chapels for miles around.

Churches have always been part of the Filipino History and for some reason, parish priests always try to "modernize" these heritage churches. I remember this old church in our province. It was built during the Spanish Period. yet they decided to just demolish it and build a new modern chapel in its place. The new one is hideous... looking all hot pink and white like it was designed by Elle Woods. I think this is related in one way or another to the Filipino's nationalism.

I think it is selfish and unfair that the Catholic Church must dictate what our country is supposed to do when the Filipino Nation is not just made up of Catholics... I think it is unfair as well to the families and the children who suffer in poverty because they have been misinformed that making a plan as to how many children to have, and when to have them is the same as ABORTION. Not all of the people in the country have a collection bag where people voluntarily give them money everytime "Tanging Alay" is played in the background.

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