Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I have been contemplating ever since I watched Julie and Julia whether I should restart my blog, just create a new one or don't bother making one at all. Who am I anyway? I'm a student or was a student (since I just graduated yesterday) from the premier university of the Philippines. During the graduation period in the university, sunflowers are planted along the main road as a symbol for a bright future for the fresh graduates. Since the end of my journey as a student already ended, the beginning of a new journey awaits and it is in this context that I have decided to start blogging again! :)

I have taken up one of the most misunderstood courses in this country... HRIM (Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management) I said misunderstood because most people think it is simply a course about cooking. I beg to disagree! It is a course which develops the critical mindedness and the management skills of the people who are willing to serve in the hospitality industry. It is not just about food preparation because if food preparation was my main choice of work, then I would have studied culinary arts, not HRIM.

Studying HRIM opens up a lot of doors as to which path would bring a person to the specific aspect of the service industry. The name of this blog reflects as to which track I have chosen... for now, the beverage aspect, specifically, wines. This blog then would be an account of how a beverage can become a metaphor for the beginning of a new journey of a person.

A toast of good Champagne for the future!

1 comment:

  1. wow same here. deleted -- then here I am again hahaha good luck!!!
